Title of nobility in the identity card - how to do the registration

Adelstitel in den Ausweis eintragen

    A signature with the artist's name is legally binding and permissible. However, only if your identity is established beyond doubt. This is not a problem, however, since in most cases the stage name and title of nobility only supplement or frame the civil name. If you sign the contract with the artist name, this is sufficient for the legal written form. According to German law, it does not matter which name is written under the contract. It is sufficient that the contractual partner knows your identity - then the conclusion of the contract is legally binding.

    passport entry

    Registration of the title of nobility in the passport is the dream of many people. You can apply to the relevant residents' registration office for the artist's name to be entered in the passport. The authority then decides whether the title of nobility will henceforth appear on your passport. In doing so, the Einwohnermeldeamt is guided by the standard that you must be known nationally under the artist's name.

    Establishing the credibility of the title of nobility

    The decision of the Einwohnermeldeamt is a discretionary decision. It is at the discretion of the authorities whether your title of nobility and artist's name is of such importance that an entry should be made in your identity card and passport. It is therefore up to you to explain the significance to the authorities and to make it credible. The following documents are suitable for this purpose. The more evidence you can provide, the more likely you are to receive a positive response from the authorities.

    • Registration of a domain with the title of nobility
    • Membership in associations with the artist name
    • Trademark application
    • Newspaper article with the artist name
    • Confirmation from agencies, business partners, friends and acquaintances
    • Social media
    • Registration of a trade with the artist name 

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